reformation & restoration

As we have been learning about the reformation, I think I have more fully come to understand how the reformation prepared the way for the restoration, which was an answer to the question I came into the trip with. While Martin Luther and John Calvin have doctrines and ideas that I don’t fully agree with, like election for salvation and limited atonement, I do appreciate the way that the many key players in the reformation were brave and used their voices. What stands out as important to me is the translation of the Bible into German by Martin Luther at Wartburg castle which inspired the translation of the Bible into English. This is the book that Joseph read James 1:5 out of and was inspired to ask of God. The faith developed by John Calvin was one that was prominent in the time of Joseph Smith and contributed to his worrying and concern for the salvation of his soul. I learned today that he was so concerned about his soul because there was the Calvinist teaching that God only chose to save certain people before he created them regardless of the works they do on earth and he didn’t feel like he could possibly be one that would be saved. My heart has learned and come to appreciate that men of all faiths and time periods can be called of God. I have a goal this year to strengthen my testimony of Joseph Smith and wanted to visit the church history sites this fall. Instead I am visiting older church history sites that really set the foundation for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appearing to Brother Joseph and guiding him as the first prophet of this dispensation. I feel grateful for this new perspective and have felt joy in gaining greater light and truth.


my cup floweth over

