the light is coming


On Saturday night I didn’t set an alarm

My phone was plugged in across the room

We were given time to sleep in

But I wanted to find a way to make Sunday feel more like Sunday

We haven’t been to church in two weeks

I said a prayer that Heavenly Father would help me wake up when I need to

I hopped out of bed at 6:15 thinking I slept in and was quite surprised when I looked at my phone

I went to the lobby and opened my phone to do a meditation

When I had a thought to talk to the man at the front desk

His English was limited but I learned he works 7pm to 7am and bikes 2km to work every day

As I was trying to figure out how to tell him what we are studying here he ran out the door

He opened the door to a large box in front of the hotel and flipped some switches

The whirring sound I didn’t notice went quiet

He came back in and told me excitedly

“The light is coming”

And that was the end of our conversation

Little did he know how hope filled his words became as they circled my head and into my heart

Beyond the hope of better lighting for my scripture study

that morning I got to hold a yellow butterfly.




heaven on earth