move into the light


We got to go to the Fushimi Shrine today and it was incredible. I don’t understand how they have so many thousands of Torri gates there, it’s amazing. It was a bit of a hike up to the top of the shrine, google said 12,000 stairs! I thought it was so peaceful though as we followed the gates winding through the Forrest. I walked some of the path alone, some with others. Spent most of the time with Shelby and Ella.

My heart started racing in some areas but I liked feeling like I was pushing my body in an athletic way. I’ve missed that feeling.

The top of the shrine was interesting. There were lots of smaller gates stacked up all around the main shrine building and they had people’s names and the dates written on them with their wishes. Some for prosperity, some for happiness and good fortune. They carried their wish all the way up the mountain.

I found that to be beautiful imagery. In my mind a wish is like a prayer. Am I putting that much thought and effort into delivering my prayers to God?

I don’t know that I need to, and I don’t know if that is a fair comparison. But I thought it was beautiful, families couples and individuals making that journey together to seek blessings.

On our way down it began getting dark and our depth perception was off as the gates cast shadows on the path that made it difficult to see where the next steps were.

As we stopped to take some photos, my friend encouraged me to “move into the light.” I took a tiny step forward and was engulfed by the glow of the lamp.

Sometimes all it takes is a tiny step.


because of Him


seeking the one