one step enough for me

We went out after dark to look at the stars

Our guide Lahcen had told us to follow him over the hill 

And I found myself doubting him, that we could find a closer spot to see the stars

We wandered for awhile, stumbling over the uneven sand 

Hardly able to see the step in front of us 

Finally after going our own way for awhile ellie mentioned that maybe he knows something we don’t 

That maybe we should trust him

So we followed His voice in the distance

And found a dark spot to lay down over the next dune

Where we could see the stars much more clearly than where I wanted to go

I think I often do that with God

Think that I can figure out the best way on my own

Or think I maybe know better

When he’s not only the expert of navigating dunes 

But the expert of navigating lives


just ask


the big sahara