family dinner


There were rooms and rooms

Full of rows and rows

Of people eating side by side

100,000 people a day

The food was free


Made by volunteers

And provided by donations

From people like the man who came

To add his gallon of milk from his cow to the big jug of milk

They asked if I wanted to help hand out food

I eagerly said yes and they gave me a stack of chapatti

I walked down the rows and ask if they wanted more

If they did, they would hold out their hands

And I would throw it in

I would get so excited when I had a taker

As I walked barefoot down those isles

I couldn’t help but think of the savior

Ready to throw us some flat bread

All we have to do is ask and He’s ready

And eager

This is a place He would love

And where He would sit

And serve
And love
And listen
And probably roll out some chapatti too


heaven on earth


they’re humans too